Because continuing education never ceases.
Compliment your continuing education experience, enhance your practice, and ensure your success with these current and key references. As new and exciting research is released, it is added to this page--so visit often.
Aeon B, Faber A, Panaccio A. Does time management work? A meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2021 Jan 11;16(1):e0245066. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0245066. PMID: 33428644; PMCID: PMC7799745.
Schrager SB. Improving Time Management Through Modern-Day To-Do Lists. Fam Pract Manag. 2022 Jan-Feb;29(1):5-6. PMID: 35014773.
Pincus JD. Employee Engagement as Human Motivation: Implications for Theory, Methods, and Practice. Integr Psychol Behav Sci. 2023 Dec;57(4):1223-1255. doi: 10.1007/s12124-022-09737-w. Epub 2022 Dec 28. PMID: 36577907; PMCID: PMC9797252.
Baskin RG, Bartlett R. Healthcare worker resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic: An integrative review. J Nurs Manag. 2021 Nov;29(8):2329-2342. doi: 10.1111/jonm.13395. Epub 2021 Jul 9. PMID: 34182609; PMCID: PMC8420188.
Prestia A.S. Recognizing, Managing, and Leading Through Manufactured Chaos. Nurse Leader.18, 1 (82-84), (2020).
Armstrong S. and Mitchell B. The Essential HR Handbook, 10th Anniversary Edition: A Quick and Handy Resource for Any Manager or HR Professional Paperback. Career Press. ISBN-13: 978-1632651396. (2019).
Camargo P. et al. Management theory and big data literature: From a review to a research agenda. International Journal of Information Management. 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2018.07.005. (2018).
Commons, M. L., Miller, P. M., Ramakrishnan, S., & Giri, S.. Employee management using behavioral developmental theory. Behavioral Development, 23(1), 22–33. 10.1037/bdb0000072. (2018).
Antonakis J. The Nature of Leadership (NULL). SAGE Publications, Inc; Third edition ISBN-13: 978-1483359274. (2017).
Impact of Leader’s Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Behavior on Perceived Leadership Effectiveness: A Multiple Source View. Business Perspectives and Research. (2016).
Fairhurst G.T. and Uhl-Bien M. Organizational discourse analysis (ODA): Examining leadership as a relational process. The Leadership Quarterly. 23, 6. 10.1016/j.leaqua.2012.10.005. (1043-1062). (2012).